Before Branson, Bezos and Musk there was…. Bob & Bill
“…Youngsters from the city’s Sheraden section, 11 year old Bobby Russ and his buddy 12 year old Bill Poznanski, are attempting to duplicate the recent lunar mission of Apollo 15. They’re in semi-isolation in their Apollo command module in the backyard of the Russ home on Justine St. The father, a baker from nearby Bridgeville, built the capsule which includes bunks, running water and electric power….”
…From the Pittsburgh, PA Channel 11 WIIC news broadcast the week of August 16th, 1971.

50 years ago this August,
two Pittsburgh boys inspired by the space age
embarked on a 12 day simulated journey to the moon. Their wooden
command module was built by one of the boy's father---a “jack of
all trades” baker turned carpenter. The "Flight of Apollo 20" captured
the imagination of their neighborhood and the attention of the local
news stations KDKA & WIIC (the Pittsburgh Press was on strike that
summer) and culminated with a "splashdown in Hawaii" and party.
50 years later,
Bob and Bill's best friendship endures and they
look forward to celebrating the anniversary of that summer's wondrous project.
Bob and Bill hope that “the Flight of Apollo 20” can serve as an inspiration for today’s young people interested in science and space exploration. Western PA has a rich legacy with science and manned space flight. Many components of the original Apollo program were developed and manufactured here. If there are any regional institutions, companies or individuals interested in sponsoring a space or science project for local youths—-particularly those kids from underserved communities—-Bob and Bill would happily assist and support such endeavors.
Film footage.
16mm WIIC Channel 11 B-Roll news footage (silent) with brief interview (sound) by the late WIIC Newsperson Tom Finn
+ 8mm footage (silent) from Bill’s Dad.